NOTE: This page does not relate to the Stolen Wages QLD matter
Shine Lawyers in Perth represented Mr Mervyn Street in the Stolen Wages WA Class Action.
The Federal Court on 12 December 2024 appointed David Hodgson and Tony Jonsson from Grant Thornton Australia to administer the Settlement Distribution Scheme. Their role is to distribute the Stolen Wages settlement monies to eligible claimants. Grant Thornton is one of the world's leading independent accounting, audit, tax and advisory firms. It has more than 1,500 people working in offices in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Melbourne and Sydney.
The quickest and easiest way to provide you with information and assistance that you may be seeking is for you to read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
The Federal Court on 12 December 2024 appointed David Hodgson and Tony Jonsson from Grant Thornton Australia to administer the Settlement Distribution Scheme. Their role is to distribute the Stolen Wages settlement monies to eligible claimants. Grant Thornton is one of the world's leading independent accounting, audit, tax and advisory firms. It has more than 1,500 people working in offices in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Melbourne and Sydney.
The quickest and easiest way to provide you with information and assistance that you may be seeking is for you to read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
What is the Western Australia Stolen Wages Class Action about?
Mr Mervyn Street brought a case in the Federal Court against the Western Australian Government on behalf of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who weren’t paid all their wages or money between 1936 and 1972.
You are a group member if:
A) you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person;
B) between 11 December 1936 and 9 June 1972 you lived in Western Australia and worked at some time or had your property controlled in that period; OR
C) you are representing a family member who qualifies and has since passed away.
Further information about who is eligible to get compensation money from the class action is in the Settlement Notice.
You are a group member if:
A) you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person;
B) between 11 December 1936 and 9 June 1972 you lived in Western Australia and worked at some time or had your property controlled in that period; OR
C) you are representing a family member who qualifies and has since passed away.
Further information about who is eligible to get compensation money from the class action is in the Settlement Notice.
Call Centre information
A call centre is currently being arranged to answer your queries, we advise that this will be operational within the week ending 12 January 2025. Contact details for the call centre and other means to contact us are detailed below.
A call centre is currently being arranged to answer your queries, we advise that this will be operational within the week ending 12 January 2025. Contact details for the call centre and other means to contact us are detailed below.
Please call and / or email the team at the following:
Email: [email protected]
Call: (08) 9480 2005